Dr Washington Mutatu
- Email: wmutatu@zsaes.org.zw
Key Publications
Chauke L, Rambwawasvika H and Mutatu W (2022). “Optimisation of the wet digestion technique for the recovery of potassium sulphate from stillage” Proc. S. Afr. Sug. Technol. Ass. (2022) 94: 239-252.
Zvomarima N, Rambwawasvika H and Mutatu W (2022). “The impact of burn-to-crush delays on selected commercial sugarcane varieties in the Zimbabwean sugar industry” Proc. S. Afr. Sug. Technol. Ass. (2022) 94: 43-54.
Mercy Chaparadza, Simbarashe Chinorumba and Washington Mutatu (2022). “The assessment of potential underground water contamination by residual metribuzin herbicide at Zimbabwe sugar association experiment station, Chiredzi” Proc S Afr Sug Technol Ass (2022) 94: 124-135.
Rambwawasvika H, Chinakwetu B. M., Pepukai P. and W. Mutatu (2022). “Evaluation of mehlich-3 extractant for the determination of available phosphorus in sugarcane growing soils of the southeastern lowveld of Zimbabwe”. Proc S Afr Sug Technol Ass (2022) 94: 87-101.
Lorraine Chikazaza1 and Washington Mutatu (2022) “Determination of micronutrient compositions in uncultivated and sugarcane growing soils of the south east lowveld with respect to the yield” Proc S Afr Sug Technol Ass (2022) 94: 102-117
T.P Manuel and W. Mutatu (2022). “Comparison of leaded and unleaded methods of pol determination based on different cane varieties”. Proc S Afr Sug Technol Ass (2022) 94 : 166-173.
Karren Gore and Washington Mutatu (2021). “Responses of sugarcane growers to soil sampling campaigns done by ZSAES” Proc S Afr Sug Technol Ass (2021) 93: 228
Hardlife Rambwawasvika, Philemon Size and Washington Mutatu (2021). “Relationship between Soil pH Measurement Methods for Fertilizer Advisory Services and Liming Requirements in the Zimbabwe Sugar Industry” Proc S Afr Sug Technol Ass (2021) 93: 193-207
Praise Manuel and Washington Mutatu (2019). “Synthesis of lead (ii) acetate from waste generated during the direct analysis of cane juice” Proc S Afr Sug Technol Ass (2021) 93: 343-350.
Ronald Mutete and Washington Mutatu (2019). “Extraction and purification of potassium sulfate from stillage” Proc S Afr Sug Technol Ass (2021) 93: 358-367
Trymore Shoko, Stephen Nyoni and Washington Mutatu (2019). “Nutritional composition of sugarcane residues from fourteen commercial varieties in Zimbabwe” 16th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analyses, 17-20 June 2019, page 78.
Trymore Shoko, Stephen Nyoni and Washington Mutatu (2019). “Extraction and purification of KCl from Triangle Distillation Plant stillage” Proc. Int. Soc. Sug. Cane Tech., volume 30, 2019
Muzira E.W and Mutatu W. (2018) Determination of residual Atrizine in Soil and Drain Waters using GC-ToF-MS. Proc. S. Afr. Sug. Technol. 91:83-92.
Nyakubaya K., Muleya E., Reina T., Mutatu W. (2016) Selective froth flotation concentration of antimonite ore from a mixture of antimony, lead and arsenic ores. Int. J. Eng. Appli. Sci. volume 3, issue 5.
Innocensia S. Mpofu, Edwina Muleya and Washington Mutatu (2016). “The optimization of lead electrodeposition from leachant of lead laden cupels” Open Acess Library Journal 3: e2776.
Bridgett Parirenyatwa, Eddwina Muleya, Washington Mutatu. (2015) “Recombinantly Produced Phenylalanine Aminomutase (PAM) Shows Increased Activity in E. Coli Grown Under Light Illumination”. Journal of Biology and Food Science Research (JBFS-15-011), volume 4, issue2.).
Aykul S, Ni W, Mutatu W, Martinez-Hackert E (2015) Human Cerberus Prevents Nodal-Receptor Binding, Inhibits Nodal Signaling, and Suppresses Nodal-Mediated Phenotypes. PLoS ONE 10(1): e0114954. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0114954.
Muleya, E., Ahmed, A. S., Sipamla, A. M., Mtunzi, F. M., and Mutatu, W. (2015) ‘Pharmacological properties of Pomaria sandersonii, Pentanasia polarities prunelloides (Rubiaceae) and Alepidea amatymbica (Apiaceae) using in vitro assays” Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy vol. 6(1), pp 1-8
Muleya E., Ahmed AS, Sipamla AM, Mtunzi FM, Mutatu W Evaluation of Anti-Microbial, Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Oxidative Properties Artemisia afra, Gunnera perpensa and Eucomis autumnalis Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences. 09/2014; 4(6):312.
Klettke, K.L., Sanyal, S., Mutatu, W., and Walker, K.D. (2007). β-Styryl- and β-Aryl-β-alanine Products of Phenylalanine Aminomutase Catalysis. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 6988- 6989
K. Klettke, S. Sanyal, W. Mutatu, K. Walker. Enzymatic Asymmetric Isomerization of α- to β-Amino Acids. Synfacts 08/2007; 2007(8):0865-0865.
Mutatu, W., Klettke, K.L., Foster, C., and Walker, K.D. (2007). Unusual Mechanism for an Aminomutase Rearrangement: Retention of Configuration at the Migration Termini† Biochemistry, 46, 9785-9794.
Zvimba, J.N. Mutatu, W. Mambanda, (2004). Rainwater quality as an indicator of atmospheric pollution status of Harare, Zimbabwe UNISWA Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology. ISSN 1029-9645.
Zvimba, J.N., Mambanda, A., Mutatu, W., Nhari, D.B., Musiyambiri, M.L. and Musingarabwi, D., 2004. Abuse of agrochemicals, therapeutic drugs and substances of herbal origin in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology, 4(1), pp.19-25.