Zimbabwe Sugar Association Experiment Station (ZSAES)

Zimbabwe Sugar Association Experiment Station (ZSAES) is a research institution wholly owned by Zimbabwe Sugar Association which is a consortium of sugarcane growers (Estates, Private Farmers), Sugarcane Millers, Refineries, and Marketers of sugar.

The Zimbabwe Sugar Association Experiment Station (ZSAES) was established in 1966 to serve the interest of farmers in order to increase productivity of sugarcane through research and extension services.

To serve the interests of the sugarcane industry, through research, evaluation, transfer of technology, capacity development and provision of specialized services to contribute to the development of the economy and the conservation of a healthy, pleasant and productive environment.
Established in 1966

Christine Eve

- Innovations: Creatively improving our methods on how best to serve all our customers
- Sustainability: Concern for the environment and continuity of the sugarcane industry
- Excellence: Exceeding expectations
- Accountability: Prepared to accept compliment or blame for our actions
- Ethics and integrity: Practices conducted according to the highest standards of practice
- Fairness: Treating our farmers and employees equally without segregation
Management Team
Dr Audrey RS Mabveni [DPhil]
Mr Petros Zvoutete
Senior Research Plant Pathologist
Dr Leo Thokoza Mpofu
Senior Plant Breeder
Dr Washington Mutatu
Senior Industrial Agricultural Research Chemist
Mr Simbarashe Chinorumba
Senior Research Agronomist
Dr Tendai Polite Chibarabada
Senior Research Agronomist
Dr Goden Mabaya
Senior Research Agricultural Engineer
Ms Concilia Mukanga
Senior Research Entomologist
Mr Thabani Moyo
Technical Services Manager
Mr Nathanael Shayanewako
Research Services Manager
Mr Hardlife Rambwawasvika
Senior Research Laboratory Technician
Mr Elias Muzira
Senior Research Laboratory Technician
Mr Moreblessing Shumba
Financial Accountant and Administrator
Ms Beaulah Mpofu
Administrative Services Officer