Senior Research Agronomist
Mr Simbarashe Chinorumba
Mr Chinorumba is an Agronomist with more than 16 years sugarcane research experience. He graduated with a Master of Science degree in Agricultural Meteorology from the university of Zimbabwe in 1998 and a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture [Crop Science] in 1991. He also holds a Masters in Business Administration [MBA] from Great Zimbabwe University. He is currently employed at the Zimbabwe Sugar Association Experiment Station as a Senior Research Agronomist. His interests involve evaluation of varieties, ripeners, herbicides, contribution of legumes, sugarcane organic wastes and soil ameliorants. His day-day operations involve implementation of research programs that address agronomic issues in sugarcane and extension of agronomic information and new findings to sugarcane growers.
- Email: schinorumba@zsaes.org.zw
Key Publications
M.R. Jones, A. Singels, S. Chinorumba, C. Poser, M. Christina, J. Shine, J. Annandale, G.L. Hammer. 2021. Evaluating process-based sugarcane models for simulating genotypic and environmental effects observed in an international dataset. Field Crops Research, 260, 107983
M.R. Jones, A. Singels, S. Chinorumba, C. Poser, M. Christina, J. Shine, J. Annandale, G.L. Hammer. 2019. Exploring process-level genotypic and environmental effects on sugarcane yield using an international experimental dataset. Field Crops Research, 244, 107622