Highlights of the 29th Zimbabwe Sugarcane Industry Seminar
The 29th Zimbabwe Sugarcane Industry Seminar was held at Triangle Country Club on Thursday 17 October 2024. The theme of the event was ‘'VISION 2030: REPOSITIONING THE ZIMBABWE SUGAR INDUSTRY TOWARDS 600K TONNES SUGAR TARGET”. The guest of honour was Dr Tobias Takavarasha, Independent Consultant, Board Member of ZIDA, former FAO Representative to South Africa and Kenya, former Permanent Secretary in the then Ministry of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement and Chairperson of the Centre of Agriculture and Food Policy (CAFP). The seminar was attended by approximately 300 participates representing all stakeholders in the sugarcane industry from growers, millers, suppliers, financiers, academia and government. Representatives from Eswatini Sugar Association were also in attendance. There were various presentations on how the industry can work together to achieve the 600k tonnes of sugar target. Of emphasis is the need for policymakers, industry stakeholders and communities to unite in repositioning the sugar sector to ensure economic prosperity and food security for the nation. We need to change our mindset from “Pangu Pangu to Zvedu Zvedu” (mine mine to ours ours).