Dr Tendai Polite Chibarabada
- Email: tchibarabada@zsaes.org.zw
Key Publications
Anghileri D, Chibarabada T.P, Gadedjisso-Tossou A., Craig A, Li C, Lu Y., Chimimba E.G., Kambombe O., Musa F., Ngondondo C, Eneya L., Kileshye Onema J., Ali A., Chiotha S., Dash J and Sheffield J. 2024. Understanding the maize yield gap in Southern Malawi by integrating ground and remote-sensing data, models, and household surveys. Agricultural Systems. Agricultural Systems, 218, 103962. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2024.103962.
Mabhaudhi T., Chibarabada T.P., Sikka A. 2023. Status of integrated crop-livestock research in the mixed farming systems of the Global South: a scoping study. Front. Sustain. Food Syst., 7, 1241675. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2023.1241675.
Mafuratidze P., Chibarabada T.P., Shekede M.D & Masocha M. 2023. A new four-stage approach based on normalized vegetation indices for detecting and mapping sugarcane hail damage using multispectral remotely sensed data, Geocarto International, 38:1, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2023.2245788
Li C., Chimimba E.G., Kambombe, O., Brown L.A., Chibarabada T.P, Lu Y.; Anghileri D.; Ngongondo C.; Sheffield J.; Dash J. Maize Yield Estimation in Intercropped Smallholder Fields Using Satellite Data in Southern Malawi. Remote Sensing 14, 2458. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14102458
Chimonyo V.G.P., Chibarabada T.P., Choruma D.J., Kunz R., Walker S., Massawe F., Modi A.T., Mabhaudhi T. 2022. Modelling Neglected and Underutilised Crops: A Systematic Review of Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities. Sustainability, 14, 13931. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142113931
Mabhaudhi T, Hlahla S, Chimonyo VGP, Henriksson R, Chibarabada T.P, Murugani VG, Groner VP,Tadele Z, Sobratee N, Slotow R, Modi AT, Baudron F and Chivenge P . 2022. Diversity and Diversification: Ecosystem Services Derived From Underutilized Crops and Their Co-benefits for Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes and Resilient Food Systems in Africa. Front. Agron. 4:859223. doi: 10.3389/fagro.2022.859223.
Chibarabada T.P., G. Mabaya. L. Nhamo, S. Mpandeli, S. Liphadzi, K. K. Kujinga, J. Kileshye-Onema, H. Makurira, D. Naidoo and M. G. Jacobson. 2022. Building capacity for upscaling the WEF nexus and guiding transformational change in Africa. Water – Energy – Food. In Nexus Narratives and Resource Securities: A Global South Perspective (Eds T. Mabhaudhi, A. Senjanje, A. Modi, G. Jewitt, F. Massawe). ISBN: 978-0-323-91223-5.
Li , Kandel, Matthew K., Anghileri D., Oloo F., Kambombe O., Chibarabada T.P, Ngongondo C., Sheffield J. and Dash J. 2021. Recent changes in cropland area and productivity indicate unsustainable cropland expansion in Malawi. Environmental Research Letters, 16 (8).
Kileshye Onema J., Chibarabada T.P, When W., Somerwill W., Karoui H, Sossou , Kenfack S., Chauke T., Tlhagale M., Boinet E., Yameogo T., Amorsi N, Quayle T., Beukman R., Genthe B. 2022. Fostering uptake of innovations and solutions for water and climate challenges in Africa: Lessons from the AfriAlliance Knowledge Brokerage Events, Environmental Science & Policy,128, 310-316.
Lu , Chibarabada T.P., Ziliani M.G., Onema J.M.K., McCabe M.F., Sheffield J., 2021. Assimilation of soil moisture and canopy cover data improves maize simulation using an under-calibrated crop model. Agricultural Water Management, 252, p.106884.
Lu Y., Chibarabada T.P., McCabe M.F., De Lannoy G.J. and Sheffield J. 2021. Global sensitivity analysis of crop yield and transpiration from the FAO-AquaCrop model for dryland environments. Field Crops Research, 269, p.108182.
Mabhaudhi T., Nhamo L., Chibarabada T.P., Mabaya G,. Mpandeli , Liphadzi S., Senzanje A., Naidoo D., Modi A.T., Chivenge P.P. 2021. Assessing Progress towards Sustainable Development Goals through Nexus Planning.
Water 13,1321. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13091321.
Kileshye Onema J., Chibarabada T.P, Kujinga K., Saruchera. D.T. 2020. How capacity development led to the establishment of a tri-basin agreement in the Southern African Development Community. Environmental Science & Policy 108, 14-18.
Chibarabada T.P., Modi A.T., Mabhaudhi T. 2020. Calibration and evaluation of Aquacrop for groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) under water deficit conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 281, 107850. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.107850.
Chibarabada T.P., Modi, A.T.; Mabhaudhi, T. 2020. Options for improving water productivity: A case study of bambara groundnut and groundnut. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C. 115, 2020, 102806.
Chibarabada T.P., Modi A.T., Mabhaudhi, T. 2019. Water use of selected grain legumes in response to varying irrigation regimes. Water SA 45: 1-11. doi:10.4314/wsa.v45i1.13.
Mabhaudhi T., Chibarabada T.P, Chimonyo V.G., Murugani V.G., Pereira L.M., Sobratee N., Govender L., Slotow R. and Modi A.T. 2019. Mainstreaming underutilized indigenous and traditional crops into food systems: A South African perspective. Sustainability, 11, 172.
Chibarabada T.P., Modi A.T., Mabhaudhi T. 2018. Adaptation and productivity of selected grain legumes in contrasting environments of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. International Journal of Plant Production: doi.org/10.10007/s42106-018-0017-z.
Mabhaudhi T., Chibarabada T., Chimonyo V.G.P., and Modi A.T. 2018. Modelling climate change impact: a case of bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea). Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Available online January 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.pce.2018.01.003
Mabhaudhi T., Chimonyo V.G., Chibarabada T.P. and Modi, A.T. 2017. Developing a roadmap for improving neglected and underutilised crops: a case study of South Africa. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 2143. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.02143.
Chibarabada T.P., Modi A.T. and Mabhaudhi T. 2017. Nutrient content and nutritional water productivity of selected grain legumes in response to production environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14, 1300 doi:10.3390/ijerph14111300.
Chibarabada T.P., Modi A.T. and Mabhaudhi T. 2017. Expounding the value of grain legumes in the semi‒ and arid tropics. Sustainability 2017, 9, 60; doi:10.3390/su901006
Mabhaudhi T., Chibarabada T. and Modi, A.T. 2016. Water‒food‒nutrition‒health nexus: Linking water to improving food, nutrition and health in Sub‒Saharan Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13, 1–19.
Chibarabada T.P., Modi A.T. and Mabhaudhi T. 2015. Water use characteristics of a bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) landrace during seedling establishment. Water SA 41, 472–482.
Chibarabada T.P., Modi A.T. and Mabhaudhi T. 2015. Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) seed quality in response to water stress on maternal plants. Acta Scandinavia Section B: Plant & Soil Science, 65, 364–373.
Chibarabada T. Modi A.T. and Mabhaudhi T. 2014. Seed quality of a bambara groundnut landrace (Vigna subterranea) differing in seed coat colour. South African Journal of Plant and Soil: Vol 31 (4) pp 219‒225.