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Ms. Concilia Mukanga
- Email: schinorumba@zsaes.org.zw
Key Publications
C. Gwatirisa, B.T. Mudereri, T. Chitata, C. Mukanga, M.M Ngwenya, J.V Muzvondiwa, R. Mugandani, M. Sungirai. 2022. Microhabitat and patch selection detection from GPS tracking collars of semi-free ranging Mashona cattle within a semi-arid environment. Livestock Science, 261, 104963
Bester Tawona Mudereri, Tavengwa Chitata, Abel Chemura, Joseph Makaure, Concilia Mukanga & Elfatih M. Abdel-Rahman. 2021. Is the protected area coverage still relevant in protecting the Southern Ground-hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri) biological niche in Zimbabwe? Perspectives from ecological predictions. GIScience and Remote Sensing, 2021, 58(3), pp. 405–424
Bester Tawona Mudereri, Tavengwa Chitata, Concilia Mukanga, Elvis Tawanda Mupfiga, Calisto Gwatirisa & Timothy Dube. 2021. Can biophysical parameters derived from Sentinel-2 space-borne sensor improve land cover characterisation in semi-arid regions? Geocarto International, 36(19), pp. 2204–2223
Mudereri, B.T., Mukanga, C., Mupfiga, E.T., …Kimathi, E., Chitata, T. 2020. Analysis of potentially suitable habitat within migration connections of an intra-African migrant-the Blue Swallow (Hirundo atrocaerulea), Ecological Informatics, 2020, 57, 101082
Mukanga, C., Chitata, T., Mudereri, B.T. 2016. An analysis of ground water quality in a water stressed urban centre: A case of Gweru city, Zimbabwe. Water Practice and Technology, 11(2), pp. 329–341