Highlights of the 28th Zimbabwe Sugar Industry Seminar
The 28th Zimbabwe Sugar Industry Seminar was held on Thursday 19th October at the Triangle Country Club. The seminar brought together participants from Tongaat Hulett Zimbabwe (THZ), Greenfuel, Private Grower Associations, Academia, Banks and Private Companies. The seminar is a platform for experts, researchers and industry leaders to share insights, innovations and strategies that can guide us towards a more resilient and sustainable sugar sector. The seminar ran under the theme: Holistic Approaches to Managing Recurring Challenges Affecting the Sugar Industry. NCC chief economist Douglas Muzimba was the guest of honour. He called on stakeholders to jointly identify, contemplate and address gaps facing the sugar industry. The seminar had presentations from The Zimbabwe Sugarcane Association Experiment Station (ZSAES), Greenfuel, THZ and private sugarcane farmers on how to curb challenges affecting the sugar industry.